Home Loan Comparison Calculator
At Mojo Homes, we don’t just build the home of your dreams, we help you pay for it too. That’s why we offer a range of tools and finance calculators to help you search for the right home loan.
One of our most useful tools is our home loan comparison calculator. While this calculator is only a guide, it can be very helpful in understanding the difference between current home loans on the market.

Benefits of Home Loan Comparison

Are you unsure of which loan best suits your needs? Maybe you need help deciphering how you’d be affected in the long run if you chose the home loan with lower upfront fees or higher ongoing costs. Whether you're a first home buyer or you already have an existing home loan, it’s important to understand the differences between loans. With this tool, you can make a direct comparison and determine which loan delivers the best value over its full term - it's pretty clever! It might not seem like much, but remember, something like 0.5% off your home loan could end up saving you more than $50,000... Cha ching!!

Information Needed for Calculator

It is important to keep in mind that this calculator is not an exact tool and should not be used as a quote, but rather as a reference and a guide in order to help you make a more informed decision about your home loan. We will ask for common details like the loan amount and loan repayment term, as well as information for each loan, including upfront fees, ongoing fees, intro rate, intro term and ongoing rate. In addition, we provide an Amortisation chart (don't worry, we had to Google that word too) that compares the cumulative payments of the two loans over a period of 30 years and the interest saved with each.

Your Potential Savings

Use our home loan comparison calculator to get a better idea of your potential savings and costs in the long run with each loan you are considering. For more information or to discuss purchasing a home, please don’t hesitate to contact MOJO Homes today.