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To get started, we’ve put a list together of frequently asked questions, to arm you with as much information, tips and insight to better assist your decisions and choices made during the new home building journey. 

MOJO Homes do everything we can to make the process easy for you – after all, we’re proudly supported by NEX Building Group, who has been building beautiful, architecturally designed homes for more than 35 years. We want to ensure your journey is both smooth and enjoyable, so we hope this list will answer some of the questions you already have written down or come across as you begin your journey. We’re excited to help you get started!

We’re always happy to help

And we always love talking to our customers in person! Please call us 1300 006 656 or visit us at one of our Display Locations and one of our New Homes Sales Consultants can help you with any other questions you may have.