We're committed to ensuring your new home is right where you need to be

However we also know that as people grow, their needs change and priorities shift, so sometimes the home you need right now is not the home you need forever. So, we guarantee the structural integrity of our houses, no matter who is calling it home. We’re committed to delivering a home that will stand the test of time, no matter what life
throws at it. That’s why every MOJO home is backed by a 25 Year Structural Guarantee. So... whilst we are sure you will spend many years creating magical moments in your beautiful home, if you decide to sell your home within the guarantee period, the new owner will enjoy the same level of assurance received when you built your MOJO home.
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MORE Certainty
- MOJO is committed to building homes to the highest quality. Our scale and buying powers gives us access to the best suppliers and trades to help deliver your brand new home. That's why we guarantee the structural integrity of our frames and slab for 25 years*
- If the time comes where you need to move on from your MOJO Home, any subsequent owner can continue to enjoy the same peace of mind you have, for the remainder of the 25 year guarantee period*
- If the premium design and inclusions in your new MOJO Home weren't enough, our 25 year structural guarantee adds even more value to your home, should you eventually choose to sell.